
The decline of Buddha's teaching

The sunset that just took place reminds me of something: that which is on the decline. The day elapses, the night arrives... Buddha also spoke about the decline of his teaching. His teaching will disappear from this world one day, because it is a necessity: all that which has arisen must inevitably pass away. All civilisations of the past finally disappeared. That which deserves to be known on this subject, is that according to him, the root causes of his teaching's decline, those are neither wars, nor famines, or religions, or political ideologies... but those are monks! The ones whom he entrusted for preserving his teaching are those who, in the course of time, will be responsible for its destruction. Why? Because, there were already, in Buddha's time, and there will be more and more monks, who will introduce into this teaching notions that are completely personal. That is to say, they will, little by little, add their personal opinions, their personal doctrine, they are going to mix up, they are going to dig up into such and such philosophy various elements by saying that "finally, everything is only one", or that "somewhere, Buddha also spoke about it". One will be caught up amid a mixture in which one will finally no more succeed in "discerning the diamond from the pebbles", in which it is found. Thus, these monks are going to introduce views and opinions that bear little resemblance with Buddha's teaching.


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